Anything Good on Television?
Broadcast TV is a Major Player in Your Campaign – Did you know? The first ad was broadcast on NBC for Bulova Watch Company before a baseball game between the Brooklyn Dodgers and Philadelphia Phillies. Since then, memorable advertising has been tugging at our emotions, making a statement or making history.
Why Must See TV is a Must for Your Campaign
- Compelling video and audio makes an impression on viewers
- National audience reach like no other media
- The benefit of a large local audience reach
- Your creative will be shown alone and stand out
- Your demo can be chosen through channel & interest placement
- Most popular source of immediate news
- TV is extremely impactful through audio and video
- Color, sound, digital can all be top quality
Why Billboards Should be a BIG Part of Your Campaign
Did you know? The first scented billboard was erected in Charlotte, NC by the Bloom grocery chain. The sign showed giant cube of beef on a large fork that extended to the ground. The smells were pepper and charcoal. Adams Outdoor was a part of this historic campaign.
- There is no better way to reach to mass audience than billboards
- Billboards offer a very high frequency
- You are able to geographically target your audience
- Billboards are big & bold
- The creative on billboards is high quality
- Billboards are a great compliment to other mediums
- Billboards are very good at telling a story
- Budget friendly CPM
- Your creative can have a long, lasting life
- Billboards are unavoidable 24 hours per day
- Billboards are eligible for Co-Op funds
Using the Internet to Add Super Speed to Your Campaign – Did you know? The first known webcam was set up at Cambridge University. They used it to monitor the coffee pot so they would know when it was empty.
Sponsored Search & Content Listings (Pay-Per-Click)
- PPC has become the common practice of buying visits to your online site instead of gaining them organically or building a following.
- PPC can be cost effective as you only pay when someone is interested enough to “click”. All of the large brands are buying in and according to the IAB (Internet Advertising Bureau), 9.1 Billion was spent on PPC in the first half alone of 2014.
- While PPC may be popular, there are still reasons to pass. It can be extremely difficult to navigate and plan your campaign. Also, audiences are growing tired of online advertising and the multiple pop up’s and banners they receive today.
Banner Ads
- Banner Ads are everywhere. And we mean everywhere! Even if you didn’t know what a Banner Ad is, you have seen them. They are the advertising on the top, side or bottom of a webpage. They have active links that of clicked, will take you directly to the advertising site.
- Banner Ads can be a great compliment to your online campaign. According to Google Marketing, they found an 82% lift in their brand when they used banner ads. However, they need to be clear, concise and simple to attract the desired “click”.
- Banner Ads are starting to get a bad rep. People have increasingly grown tired of having to navigate the crowded world of display advertising. Ad Blocking has grown 41% in the last 12 months. Also, up to 50% of ad clicks can be accidental and closed in less than 1 second.
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